Reasons Why Indoor Tanning Is Better Than Bathing In The Sun

By Haywood Hunter

Not all people came into this world sporting an everlasting tan. If you are not happy with your naturally pasty complexion, you really don't have to sunbathe just to look fantastic each and every time. Tanning inside the home is a safer and more sensible way to attain a lovelier skin tone. The application of an excellent sunless tanner lets you have a bronze complexion for a week.

More and more people these days have turned their backs on sunbathing and switched to the use of fake tanners. There are various reasons why they felt the need to do so. Continue reading to know why it's a great idea to follow in their footsteps.

Getting a tan without sunbathing saves your skin from being bombarded with too much UV radiation. Avoiding the sun helps significantly reduce your chances of suffering from skin cancer. This is one of the diseases that you certainly don't want to end up with. If it's not detected and treated by a doctor during its primary stages, you are likely to lose your life from it.

The use of UV-free tanners also saves you from the need to depend on suntan beds. Relying on these machines is just like baking under the scorching sun. That's because both of them involve UV light. Even if the amount of the said radiation emitted by suntan beds is regulated, the fact remains that prolonged exposure to it can cause cell mutation that leads to skin cancer.

Being exposed to excessive amounts of UV light is also the main reason why people end up looking older than their actual age. Without ample sun protection, cosmetic issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and excessive skin dryness show up prematurely. Aside from making your complexion look glorious, opting for a fake suntan also lets you appear younger.

No matter the time of the year, getting an indoor tan is possible. You can become a complete standout if you have a lovely sun-kissed glow while everybody else looks pale in winter. In summer, you can make a lot of heads to turn towards your direction even before you hit the beach. Making your complexion look desirable has never been this easy and practical.

The moment you apply the UV-free tanner of your preference, a change shows up right away. This is because of the bronzing ingredient present. What makes your complexion appear tanned for as long as a week is DHA. Derived from sugar cane, this all-natural substance slowly causes skin darkening the moment it comes into contact with dead skin cells. Because old skin layers are constantly replaced with new ones, the resulting color fades gradually.

Getting a tan indoors allows you to be spotted with a tan in the intensity of your liking. That's because there are various self tanner shades available these days, ranging from ultra dark to light. In order to end up with a skin color that looks so natural, it's recommendable for you to opt for a shade that isn't that far away from your own complexion.

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